Kart Workshop

Hi workshop attendees!

What you should do first:

  1. Install a recent QGIS if you don't already have it
  2. Create a directory on your computer to use during the workshop.
  3. Download and unzip some sample data: sample-data.zip.
  4. Download and install the latest Kart release from kartproject.org. If you get stuck we'll have some time to do it during the workshop too. Generally, double-click the downloaded file and follow the instructions. If you're on Linux, you can also install with yum localinstall kart*.rpm (Fedora/etc) or apt install kart*.deb (Debian/Ubuntu/etc). Once it's installed, kart version should show something in a new command prompt (on Windows use PowerShell).
  5. Register for an account below and check it works. If you don't have a github account with an ssh key, see Github's guide to generating ssh keys.

Create a user account for Repository access

Once you have registered, connect to the Kart/Git repos: ssh kart@workshop.kartproject.org